Sunday, June 14, 2009

I will let the pictures speak for themselves!!

And yes I am crying and out of my very nice dress I wore to dinner. Who knew!
And the story goes like this....
We went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant Fiamma Restaurant in Dilworth. Just an average date night, so I didn't even think anything could happen. After dinner we got home Bubs built a fire, I grabbed the wine and tunes. We were just sitting by the fire chatting and drinking when he asked "how many boulders?" Now to me this is an every day question and nothing crazy but to the rest of you its our lil saying of how much we love each other. After my trips to Colorado (and yes I am obsessed with that state), we started measuring our love in boulders. And depending how you feel is how many boulders you get! So Friday night I was feeling 17 boulders, an all time high, and he said "enough boulders to spend the rest of your life with me" and got down on one knee with the ring and asked "(my full name) will you marry me?" And after about 6 "shut ups" and "are you serious" I said yes! And he got the correct hand and finger!!!! There were plenty of tears and tons of phone calls. Oh and a gorgeous ring that he picked out all by himself! Ahhh sigh. We are so happy and so excited to spend the rest of our lives together! Now apparently we have to plan this thing!!! EK!


  1. Kim!!! What wonderful news and fantastic story! I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations!! (p.s. Now you can get the free mags from Chase and start planning a wedding. How fun!!)

  2. Yay!!! What a precious story! I am calling tomorrow to hear it for myself! Love you and am SO happy for you!

  3. KIM!!! Bubba did good! ive got to see this ring for myself, im so excited for you two. Congratulations again!!!

  4. looks like the house improvement blog is going to turn into a wedding planning blog!

  5. Hopefully it will be a combo of both!
