A before picture of the front of our house. Looks just like the one my cousin painted for us as a wedding present. Kelly lives in Italy and paints daily where ever she may be, Florida, London, Spain, North Carolina, Virginia and it continues. My wedding gift from Bubba was a portrait of our house that we love so much. When you go to that link scroll down to see our house, and if you have time feel free to look around at her work!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Paint + Storm Door
A before picture of the front of our house. Looks just like the one my cousin painted for us as a wedding present. Kelly lives in Italy and paints daily where ever she may be, Florida, London, Spain, North Carolina, Virginia and it continues. My wedding gift from Bubba was a portrait of our house that we love so much. When you go to that link scroll down to see our house, and if you have time feel free to look around at her work!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Following Mere's Lead
I am playing "Mere's" game. I was reflecting on my life tonight- where I am, where I'd like to be, where I hope I will be in 5, 10 years, etc. So, I decided to play a game with my faint, few blog readers. I will list a time and then use some words/phrases to describe it, however many come to mind at the time. Let's play!
What I think of the Past
-- I think of my immaturity, and how I have grown since. Of the mistakes I have made, but how I regret nothing.
-- I think of Virginia Tech, some of the best days of my life were spent there!
-- dance and HighTechs... I wish I was still dancing
What I'm experiencing in the Present
-- wedding plans... wedding plans...
-- the joy of getting married to my best friend in the whole world
-- a new name
-- a wonderful future to dream about
-- going to the gym, dieting.... neither very fun
What I'm anticipating/hopeful for in the Future
-- Health, that's all I ever want in a new year for friends and family
-- kids before I am 30
-- continued success in our jobs, enough to live the life we enjoy
-- trips, and traveling to different countries and throughout the US to see friends and family
Won't you play with me?
(i.e. do a similar post on your blog so I can read your little life reflections!)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Massive Mudroom Makeover
Now, for the detailed in between shots!! As you can see we went from a deep blue to a grey purple color. We used the same "London Coach" paint that we used in the kitchen, and painted the other two walls white!! The two white walls were painted on brick so that took three coats all by themselves!! We started the painting on Friday night and finished Saturday morning. The purple only took two coats and we didn't need primer.
After we ripped up the old floor we started prepping for the new tile. We borrowed a friends saw for cutting the tile, and of course we had a few moments of trying to make it work. And a little bickering to make it fun!
Close up of the clean white brick and the gross old cement floor!
We ripped up the floor all the way into the laundry room! Yay for no more gross dirty floor!
How gross is this floor... ugh!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Air Purifiers
The two palms have been sitting in the bedroom for over a year now and Autumn decided to eat slash destroy one the other day. Obviously being me I saved the plant and re-potted it. But it has now shrunk in size. We also have had my work plant sitting in the dinning room for the past month for X-mas break watering. Now that, that guy is going back to work we wanted more green for the dining room. Yes, more green!
This little orchid was also on sale, only $2. I hope I can keep this one alive!!
Being that I am a pack rat, yes everyone mock I was sad to say goodbye to my three live poinsettias. They were trashed due to the fact that X-mas was over and I didn't have the heart to kill them. So in comes Bubba with a half day from work, and they are all gone. But all is good, I have three new plants to take care of!!! Yay!!! Enjoy the green!