Sunday, December 13, 2009
Home Made Wreath
I took a ton of pictures of the process... but they were deleted. Being that my camera is broken I use bubs, and last night there was some drinking, priceless shots and a full memory. So, I just took one of the finished product! Nella is on the rampage to get out so I had to stand outside with the door shut to get this picture. And its raining, and cold... so your only getting this one pic. And yes I am complaining a lot, ok I'll stop. Soooo, drum roll please... the wreath!
I bought a green wire wreath builder thing, and some cute white glittery accessories. Saved the bottom row of branches from our X-mas tree and created a wreath. There was only one size for the wreath wire so I didn't have to use many branches at all. Nor did I use all of the white accessories, but this means I can make a bigger one next year! Yes! (more complaining, I can't turn this picture right side up!!!)
Wine Bottles... Again
Apparently I drink a lot of wine, but I'm back again with another crafty wine bottle project! I will be doing more wine bottles to add a collection on my mantle but for now here are two I finished!
I saw these in West Elm, (my favorite store) and decided I could make them for way less. The collection is by David Stark and specific for the store. These could also be made in colors... add a little dye to the twine. Anyway, can you see the bottles sitting on the right side of the mantle? The X-mas tree is super cute too, I'm sure that one is harder to do, but think about the possibilities for objects!!!
So, they were made with some twine in two different colors, wine bottles, scissors, and hot glue. The first one I did by myself and the second I had the man toys help, he spun and I held the twine and glue. It was so simple and I love the outcome!
The first guy was easy, and with Bubs design help it was complete within 20 minutes. It was his idea to stop before the neck to give it a different look. It's growing on me!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December, the best month of the Year!
I love the month of December, for X-mas and my B-day!!! Gifts, gifts and gifts! haha! No for the lights, food and time off! Everything is wonderful around the holidays, and there are rumors of snow soon! yay! So here are some pics of my holiday decorations! We got the tree on Sunday and the rest of the decorations have been going up ever since!

December also means going home to see family and friends. We just went to Delaware for Turkey day and made a trip to the beach with the pup. We have been doing this for over a year now, in both seasons but winter is probably my favorite. The wind is brisk and the water freezing. But Autumn puts her feet in and we still walk the whole beach! As always I carry WaWa coffee with me!! If only they had WaWa's in the south!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
As you all know from my previous entries that i like to garden, and I never told you what all I did with my fruits of labor. Well, I ate a lot of tomato's straight off the plant and sauteed the peppers, squash and zucchini but the best thing was salsa. I made tons of homemade salsa this past summer and still am from the veggies and spices from my garden!
This particular bowl was super spicy for Halloween and had to have a warning label for the weak!
One of my best bowls recently was super hot and had local produce from my garden and my parents! It had four different kinds of peppers, tomato's, onions, lime and cilantro. The only thing not from a local garden were the limes and onions. Yes, yes I know you see canned tomato's, but don't worry I usually cut up an extra tomato too dull down the spice from the canned tomato's with peppers.
I put the tomato's in first, then dice up the onions and peppers to throw in. I use a chopper so they are diced up very small, no seeds for the jalapenos. Chop the cilantro a bit and squeeze the lime and set in the fridge for at least 30 min. And you have homemade salsa. And any tortilla chip will do!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Luffa
Halloween!!! My costume this year was so random and awesome! I got the idea from a homemade halloween costume site! It was so easy too! 15 yards of tool, 100 safety pins, 3 feet of rope and an old dress! After pinning 15 yards of cut up tool onto the dress my fingers were sore but I loved how it turned out!
Thanks Mere!! I love doing this and I am happy I got the opportunity! Hopefully you all can do one for yourself!
So, here are the rules:
Fill out the questions below, using only one word. Then pass this award along to six of your favorite bloggers, and tell 'em you did so! Have fun. :)

Fill out the questions below, using only one word. Then pass this award along to six of your favorite bloggers, and tell 'em you did so! Have fun. :)
1. Where is your cell phone? somewhere
2. Your hair? knot
2. Your hair? knot
3. Your mother? crazy
4. Your father? calm
5. Your favorite food? salad
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? water
4. Your father? calm
5. Your favorite food? salad
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Your dream/goal? life
9. What room are you in? living
10. Your hobby? dance
11. Your fear? falling
12. Where do you want to be in six years? mom
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? confrontational
15. Muffins? today
16. Wish list item? garbage disposal
17. Where did you grow up? Delaware?
18. Last thing you did? watch Grey's
19. What are you wearing? PJ's
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? Autumn, dog and Nella, cat
9. What room are you in? living
10. Your hobby? dance
11. Your fear? falling
12. Where do you want to be in six years? mom
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? confrontational
15. Muffins? today
16. Wish list item? garbage disposal
17. Where did you grow up? Delaware?
18. Last thing you did? watch Grey's
19. What are you wearing? PJ's
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? Autumn, dog and Nella, cat
22. Friends? best
23. Your life? wonderful
24. Your mood? exhausted
23. Your life? wonderful
24. Your mood? exhausted
25. Missing someone? nope
26. Vehicle? Toyota yaris
27. Something you're not wearing? bra
28. Your favorite store? tjmaxx
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? last night
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Bestest
33. One place that I could go over and over? outerbanks
34. One person who emails you regularly? jamie
35. Favorite place to eat? del friscos
26. Vehicle? Toyota yaris
27. Something you're not wearing? bra
28. Your favorite store? tjmaxx
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? last night
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Bestest
33. One place that I could go over and over? outerbanks
34. One person who emails you regularly? jamie
35. Favorite place to eat? del friscos
Meghan (her blog in in the works)
and I think that's the list of my blogging friends!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I just wanted to say how much I love the outer banks in NC. I go at least 2 times every year, and this year there was a hurricane. So I didn't get much beach time, but I did get awesome pictures! And I am here to share! And yes that is the Nights in Rodanthe house, we usually stay about 20 minutes down the road from it!
Ahhh the beach...
Kitchen Rug
I always love the idea of a rug in the kitchen, it just screams coffee on Sunday mornings! I had the idea in my head that it would be a jute beige rug that was as big as the room. But I didn't think that was possible giving the size of the room and the price of rugs! Luckily enough I go to TJMaxx once a week, cause I found one! For under 100 bucks! WHAT! Yes I was so excited. One thing I learned the hard way with jute rugs is that they are natural fibers and stain... from anything! Carpet cleaner doggie feet, chocolate! haha! It's ok though since I wanted the light colored rug! Oh well the pets love it and so do I! And that's all that matters!

Autumn sure loves the rug, I find her here every afternoon. Lounging with her paws crossed!
Autumn sure loves the rug, I find her here every afternoon. Lounging with her paws crossed!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Another GiveAway!
This time by "Get It Girl Style", another cute home decor blog that I have fallen for! Enjoy her blog and try to win the give away of a Print and T-shirt from Designer I love the print, here is a pic: "Keep Calm and Carry On" It comes in all colors and looks good in any home! Enjoy and good luck!
Here is the link where you just post your comment to enter to win.
Here is the link where you just post your comment to enter to win.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Halloween Giveaway
Courtesy of Sa-Sea Boutique A lovely blog I just stumbled upon that is having a fun Halloween pillow giveaway! Oh how I would love the chandelier pillow sitting in the hammock during our Halloween party... next to the dead guy we plan on having!!!
Bubs and I have huge plans for the party this year and I hope you all can make it! Not to mention tons of food and Drinks!!! Black drinks....
Bubs and I have huge plans for the party this year and I hope you all can make it! Not to mention tons of food and Drinks!!! Black drinks....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hokie Flowers
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lindz's Bachelorette Weekend
Weekend with the girls was a blast! Lindz and Dave are getting married in two weeks and we celebrated for Lindz on Sat. with a day at the beach and a night out in OC, MD. The group of girls were a blast, new and old faces celebrated for one special occasion! So enough of the small talk, how about some pics!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wine torches
I found a cool DIY project on involved wine bottles and a few pieces of metal. Well those few pieces of metal happen to be copper and extremely hard to find. After an hour and a half Lowe's trip we came back with all the pieces we needed to create our own wine bottle torches or sconces. We are going to hang them around the back yard, two on the fence and two on the back of our house. This should be super cute when complete!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Garden... Fried Green Maters
SO this time my computer is actually back and working!
My garden has been growing out of control this summer! It just recently started to wind down. The squash, zucchini and cucumbers are about gone but the Maters and peppers are thriving! A few pics of our fruits of labor!

I also started saving some compost under the sink and added some of that juice to the remaining tomato's and peppers!
The fried green maters were wonderful, something I will make again! I can not take credit for the green tomatoes though, and yes, aren't they huge! I staked my best friends tomatoes (cause he had not yet!) and knocked a few off. So I decided not to waste them and try my hand at frying!

Finished Product! Oh so yummy! And I fried them in EVOO so they were slightly healthier.
My garden has been growing out of control this summer! It just recently started to wind down. The squash, zucchini and cucumbers are about gone but the Maters and peppers are thriving! A few pics of our fruits of labor!
The fried green maters were wonderful, something I will make again! I can not take credit for the green tomatoes though, and yes, aren't they huge! I staked my best friends tomatoes (cause he had not yet!) and knocked a few off. So I decided not to waste them and try my hand at frying!
Finished Product! Oh so yummy! And I fried them in EVOO so they were slightly healthier.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Computers Back!
Got my computer back and as usual its driving me crazy! But now I can start posting again!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Welcome Miss Avery
Miss Avery Carrington Brandt was born this morning around 9am. (Erin please yell at me if my info is wrong!) Mom, Dad, Maylen and Avery are all doing well! Congrats Erin and Chris I can't wait to meet your daughter! Love you all! And since they live so far away I don't have any pictures yet. In the mean time here is a link to their blog for details!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wedding theme
To the Tee!!! This is almost exactly what I want for my wedding... peach and pale yellow. I'm so glad I found a picture! Only the dress doesn't match!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Long over due Bedroom changes!
I have never posted pictures of our bedroom, and I have no idea why not. So lets start from when we bought the house and the room was blue!
I wanted a brown accent wall in the house somewhere, so I went for the bedroom since the accent wall was already there. And I am not one for blue especially that dark of a blue. We painted the wall brown, bought new night stands from Target and used the same bedding and curtains we had from Bub's Graduation gift. We also found the dresser at a yard sale for 30 bucks. Gotta love the yard sale finds! The lamps and mirror are capiz a new shell material I became obsessed with!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chairs Pretty in Pink
I finally sewed the slip covers for the bar stools! Yay! And I can sew!! After having the sewing machine in my possession for about 4 months now, I completed the chairs in only 3 hours! Who knew sewing would be so easy.. NOT! Let me say the slip covers are done and look lovely, they by no means are high quality! But it's ok because they work for what I need them to do!! I am also going to add some cute green satin ribbons to connect the two pieces.... in a few months... as soon as I can!
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